Call for Papers! 📝🚨
Are you researching social interactions of any combination of agents and/or humans on the web, including the architectures and platforms enabling and influencing those interactions? Then you are a fit.💡
For our workshop on semantic generative agents on the web at the ESWC 2025 in Slovenia we are still accepting papers. Especially welcome are submissions on agent knowledge representation, their reasoning capabilities and way of communication. 💬
Topics of interest include
– Agents for simulating (nonrational) human behavior
– Agents on the (social) web for analyzing communicative behavior
– Platforms for simulating and researching agent communication and platform mechanics
– Recursive AI agents for higher levels of task complexity, adaptivity, and autonomy
We encourage papers from different backgrounds, various disciplines and of various lengths. Papers going beyond traditional paper formats, like demo, data and position papers, are welcome! 🎯
📍Submission deadline is the 6th of March.
📍Paper submission requires the conference attendance of at least one involved researcher. The conference takes place from June 1st to June 5th in Portoroz, Slovenia.